

The main mission of the NGO Retour is rediscovering traditional historical, cultural and spiritual values in various regions of the Czech Republic. The experience of recent years shows that one of the effective ways to achieve this goal is to promote adventure tourism.

Our association therefore organizes regional conferences that are focused just on the issue of development and possibilities of this type of tourism with respect to the use of traditional values. Conferences that were held over the years 2011 to 2013, were attended by representatives of various regional stakeholders (regional authorities, local authorities, private companies, NGOs, representatives of the administration of national parks, local associations and others). There were shown many examples of good practice and conferences had a very positive response from participants.

Another form supporting the objective is publishing thematic publications on adventure tourism that effectively mediate valuable information to tourists in the region, including the supply of smaller local entities. After the success of the first part of the “100 must interesting museums and galleries in the Czech Republic” other publications in the next edition of “ The best …”, “100 extraordinary experiences” or “ Little Guide to Adventure tourism in Czech Republic” are prepared.

Another area of interest of Retour is regional development. Regarding this topis, Retour is cooperating with a number or sight keepers, microregions and regions not only in Hradec Králové and Jihomoravský (South Moravian) region, but in the Czech Republic as whole.


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