The Centre of Social Services Prague is a semi-budgetary organization of the Municipality of Prague that runs many professional working compartments providing different types of services for people who are in a difficult social situation. The organization offers social, therapeutic and medical services, psychological and legal consultancy, temporary accommodation or basic information service. The Centre has close contact with the city authorities and other organisations active in the social-health care as well as contacts on schools preparing students to become operators in the field of social assistance and with other schools from Prague.
The main activities and topics of the centre:
- all services connected to homeless people (field programmes, sheltered houses, houses for families and women with children, day care centre, social housing) and a special facility unique in the Czech Republic – the shelter house with nursing care
- professional and legal counselling for people in need (homeless, unemployed etc.) – family and relations counselling, legal and financial counselling (for people in debts)
- re-socialization programs for people in and after custody
- Prague helpline for children in need
- prevention of domestic violence and help to the victims of domestic violence
- … and many others
Three of the most important centres of the PCPP are the following:
[toggle_item title=”The Prague Centre of Primary Prevention of the Centre of Social Services Prague”]
The centre specializes in prevention of risky behaviour of mostly young persons but also of adults. The most important activities are the following:
- Cooperation with schools and other professional organizations and institutions, governmental and non-governmental sector
- Methodological support, consultation, supervision and training in different areas of risk behavior
- Mapping system of services in primary prevention
- Analysis of risk behaviors in different target groups, which are the basis for developing plans and strategies in the primary prevention of risk behavior in Prague, in this area also cooperate with the Ministry of Education
- Scientific research activities in collaboration with academic institutions.
- The most important topics of the Prague Centre of Primary Prevention include Aggression and bullying, Truancy, Racism and xenophobia, Sects, Sexually risky behaviour, Addiction, Eating Disorders.
[toggle_item title=”The Intervention Centre of the Centre of Social Services Prague”]
The Intervention centre of the Centre of Social Services Prague works in the field of domestic violence and the target group are all the people affected with it. The target group is not only women, even though women are mostly victims; generally the IC works with persons endangered by domestic violence and, if necessary, their loved ones. The IC doesn’t work with children.
Within the intervention center they are also running the programme Viola that offers psychological help to violent people and perpetrators of violence (eg. after expulsion from the common dwelling).
The organisation is aimed at:
- support in excercising rights and interests of client
- solving psychical effect of domestic violence and estabilishing psychical equilibration
- integraiting victims into common life with support of environment
- supporting the clients in their activities leading to independence and self-confidence
- interdiscplinary cooperation
- raising public awareness of domestic violence
- prventing the stigmatization and public rejecting of victims
[toggle_item title=”The Counselling Centre for the Family, Marriage and Interpersonal Relations of the Centre of Social Services Prague”]
The department operates in the capital city of the Czech Republic. The Counseling Centre provides professional psychological services for single persons, couples or families. The major topics of the centre are:
- New trends and methods in family therapy.
- Possibilities of supporting work-life balance within partnership/family therapies(reaction to new trends in the field of employing women, shortening the maternity leave, changed gender roles).
- Intercultural aspects in the therapy and counseling.
- The work with homosexual couples and families.
- The work with a couple/family where one of the members is suffering from a mental or physical disease or he/she needs to come up with a trauma.
- Alternative educational and supervising models offering psychological care for couples/families.
- Effective steps in a process of setting the stage and realization of joint custody
If you want to cooperate with the Centre of Social Services Prague, don’t hesitate to contact the European Development Agency!