Check Point Art

czech point art

Check Point Art is a non-profit and non governemental educational institution, accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, which focuses on long-term (certified) systematic professional training of arts teachers (specialization: dance, music, theatre, architecture) in the system of lifelong learning, including the education of the general public. The institution’s priority is the availability of education for all social groups in all regions of the Czech Republic. The company links different types of art through innovative modes of interaction and interdisciplinary communication.

The organisation creates new possibilities for communication and interconnects professional art world with the general public through various artistic , cultural and educational activities, services and activities. One of the aims of the organisation is to develop the creative potential of the Czech and foreign artists and increase the mobility of EU citizens.

Czech Point Art is also sucessfully implementing an international project financed by the Partnership Fund (based on the Czech – Swiss Cooperation Agreement). The name of the project is “Exchange of experience and know-how in the field of arts management”. This project allows many institutions to gain experience in the management of teaching and non-teaching staff. During the project a methodical manual for managers of artistic institutions will be created.