The coordination and Information Centre for People with Disabilities and Elderly (KIS) is a Czech association based in Prague active in the field of disabled people. Currently the main target group of KIS is disabled youth.
The main activities of the organisation are:
- providing information about social inclusion and possibilities for disabled people;
- organizing workshops and seminars relating to issues of people with disabilities;
- facilitating contact between public and private institutions leading to improving the lifestyle of people with disabilities;
- providing advisory services for disabled people;
- awareness raising activities, information activities and publishing.
KIS focuses on people with disabilities and elderly along with their families and caregivers. In Central Bohemian Region, it has founded 11 co-working centres for caregivers wishing to start a business. These co-working centres provide an office space equipped with computers, printers, scanners and other facilities necessary for launching the business. The significant issue they are pointing out is the situation of disabled youngsters who want to integrate to society without the daily support of families and caregivers.
KIS is also very experienced in the area of project management. KIS has already implemented two projects related to young work and youth with disabilities which are financed by the EU and they currently implement the third one.
The projects:
- Not poor girls, we are heroines: The rationale of the project comes from the overall focus of the association and the project targets the caregivers who are mainly women. Being a caregiver person is very exhausting and time-consuming as it can be a full-time job for which they don’t have enough time to enter the labour market. The project gave a chance to female caregivers to launch their own business in co-working centres and also provided them with training courses, seminars, workshops and advices. The project was implemented from November 2012 to October 2014.
- Training of paramedical staff in Pilsen Region: The project offered training courses in the Pilsen region for paramedical staff. Seven e-learning modules were developed within the project and these modules were pilot tested on the target group (nurses, laboratory technicians, ergotherapists, psychotherapists etc.). The project was implemented from March 2013 until June 2015.
- Caring and working in Prague: The target group of the project are caregivers in Prague. The aim of the project is to bring these people together with other caregivers and also with a team ofprofessionals who can provide support for them. Activities include seminars, courses and workshops and the topics include social skills, social rights, skills for employment, dealing with stress and others.
KIS is interested in cooperation with similar organisations from all over Europe. We want to exchange know-how in the above mention areas and together with you contribute to a better situation of disabled youth. Contact: