Any legal person who is interested in international cooperation can become the member of the Czech EUDA partner network.
Nowadays, the network consists of more than 30 organisations from non-profit, public and corporate sector:
[toggle_item title=”Municipalities and their associations”]
We have following municipalities in the network:
- Municipality of Ústí nad Labem
- Municipal District of Prague 4
- Municipal District of Prague 5
- Municipal District of Prague 9
- Municipality of Bělá nad Radbuzou
- Local Action Group Mezilesí
- Local Action Group Podlipansko
[toggle_item title=”Non-governmental organisations”]
We have following NGOs in the network.
- Beach Club Ládví, Prague
- Business and Professional Women, Prague 2
- Centre of Promoting Entrepreneurship Prague (Centrum podpory podnikání Praha, o.s.)
- CEREBRUM – Associations of persons with brain injury and their families, Prague
- Czech Association of Educational Institutions (Česká asociace vzdělávacích institucí, o.s.), Prague
- House of National Minorities (Dům národnostních menšin, o.p.s.), Prague
- Forkys, z.s., Kladno
- Harvest Films, Tursko
- Hnutí DUHA – Friends of the Earth Czech Republic, Brno
- Hranice Development Agency (Hranická rozvojová agentura, z.s.), Hranice
- Institute for Regional Development (Institut pro regionální rozvoj, o.p.s.), Prague
- Coordination and Information Centre for People with Disabilities and Elderly (Koordinační a informační středisko pro osoby se zdravotním postižením), Prague
- Young Social Democrats (Mladí sociální demokraté), Prague
- Právě teď! o. p. s., Prague
- Retour, o.s., Prague
- RomPraha, Prague
[toggle_item title=”Schools”]
We have following schools in the network:
- Secondary Technical School Otrokovice
- Secondary School of Josefa Sousedíka Vsetín
- Secondary School of Civil Engineering Valasske Merizirici
- Elementary school Jedovnice
[toggle_item title=”SMEs”]
We have the following SMEs in the network:
- Hranická rozvojová, s. r. o., Hranice
- M Media Group s.r.o., Prague
- Museum of Gastronomy, Prague
- SeniorHelp, s. r. o. , Prague
[toggle_item title=”Others”]
We cooperate with