• Bullying , a type of peer agression, which is frequently seen in almost every school in all over world in recent years not only has a feature that disrupts peace in school by reducing the quality of education but also prevents children and young people’s development by disturbing their mental and phsical health is a serious danger that threatens the future of society.
    • Bullying emerges as a phonemanen which is seen but can not be named, which can not assess whether it is a problem. Bullying is an issue that causes difficulties in the resolution process and can not be seen as a serious problem. Because of this obscurity, bullying is today’s most challenging problems. According to the studies in school, bullying behaviors can be  seen as physical, verbal, exclusion from a group, spreading rumors,  taking their belongings by threatening. Bullying emerges as one of the obstacles to creating a positive school climate. Bullying prevents school attendance, causes child/teen to live mental problems. It  hinders child / teen  to plan for their future.
    • In our country and in the world, there is information how to copy with bullies and bullying, but this is inadequate in today’s conditions.
    • This project aimes to increase teachers awareness about bullying experienced in schools.
    • By preparing materials for raising awareness and by sharing knowledge / skills teachers are aimed to  minimize risks  that their students of the future will be faced in the future, make students plan their future, make them  develop their skills to deal with bullying. So a positive school environment will be created.


    • 7 European education institutions from 6 countries in Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Portugal and Turkey(2 institutions); at least 60 teachers in project teams of all partner. It is expected to be working or studying in educational institutions, to be interested in the project, to be volunteered and willing to work on the project, to be open to communication, to use technology effectively and to be willingness for development.


    • Description of activities: 1. preparation: to establish a healthy and active communication network and create project teams, create website, etwinning and social network profile and prepare presentations about meetings and training activities.
    • 2. implementation: to contniue a healthy and active communication network, work with project teams during two years, prepare questionnaire on bullying, logo, poster, brochure, ebook, organize seminars, contact with local, national press, make presentatitons about meetings and training activities.


    • Methodology: All work will be done by creating teams and will be carried out regularly according to the timetable of the project. The participants will work actively, ICT technologies will be used frequently. Mutual information exchange will be set up between the partners. A positive working environment is expected during the project. The project will be systematically conducted by the coordinator in accordance with the plan prepared together with all partners. All partners will carry out the project work with the leadership of the coordinator.At the beginning of the project a questionnaire will be applied, the same questionnaire will be applied at the end of the project again and the results will be compared. The results of all project objectives will be shown qualitatively and quantitatively.


  • Results and Impact: Results and Impact: Through the project activities; the participants will be able to acquire awareness of bullying, learn about methods of coping with bullying, support a quicker resolution of the crisis situation with project applications, implement  new techniques and methods in bringing positive behavior, develop and strengthen personal and social skills in cooperation. In these terms the motivation of teachers will increase and increase  knowledge and experience of teachers in their fields.
  • With this project, it is expected to strengthen personal and interpersonal relationships, increase self-confidence, recognition of new cultures, strengthen the sense of European citizenship, develop a more positive perspective on EU values, set up closer relationship between the EU countries, and end prejudices.

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