Beachklub Ládví is the biggest beach volleyball club in Prague located in the area of the district Prague 8. The club offers 15 volleyball courts with the best graded sand in town. It started in 2008 as a small volleyball club with only 6 pitches, but evolved over the years in size and expertise.
Nowadays the Beachklub runs activities for children, adults and seniors, including volleyball trainings with experienced beach volleyball coaches (regular courses or individual lessons), beach volleyball tournaments (for professionals, amateurs and children), sport events for children and parents, cultural sport events on special occations, summer camps in the Czech Republic or abroad etc. In summer the pitches are open to public and the whole area is an important leisure centre for the citizens of Prague 8 and for others.
The team of the Beachklub has people experienced in coaching, sports management and didactics. Most of the senior coaches have a degree from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of the Charles University. Some of the coaches specialize on working with children and therefore the Beachklub offers trainings and activities from children from 3 years (kindergardens).
Beachklub Ládví cooperates with the Departement of Education of the District Council of Prague 8 and through this department also with 15 public primary schools established by the DC Prague 8. The cooperation with the public schools runs on an ad hoc basis when the schools come to the facilities of the Beachklub with their PE teachers and use the facilities during their classes or as after-school activities. Beachklub also collaborates with 2 private schools (The Thomas Mann Primary School of German-Czech Understanding and the Meridian International School) and provides sport and educational services for them as a part of their curricula with the trainers of the Beachklub. Beachklub also cooperates with the vocational school and practical school (school for children with learning difficulties and special needs) and organizes activities for its pupils – children at the risk of social exclusion.
Beachklub also organizes activities for other disadvantaged groups of people, for example sport activities for seniors or trainings for deaf players and people with impaired hearing.