The elementary school Jedovnice has current capacity of almost 300 students from Jedovnice village, Kotvordovice, Krasové, Rudice and other villages in close neighbourhood. The school has about 33 employees and 23 of them are pedagogical staff. The school has been part of regional association CIRSIUM of regional primary schools (Křtiny, Ostrov, Lipovec, Podomí and Sloup).
Students regularly take part in non-formal school educational programmes such as terraneous education in cooperation with Department of Geography on Faculty of Education at Masaryk University in Brno, other activities like ski – courses, historical excursion in Prague and Kutná Hora etc. School projects are beeing coordinated by children and Youth Centre Blansko during Christmas and Easter twice a year. The elementary school Jedovnice also organizes an educational school club for children with activities like fishing, club for improvement of computer skills, aerobic, sport games etc. On top of it, the school has an educational programme that pdeals with 5 topics: Multiculturalism, Environmental Education, Personal and Social development, Democratic Society and European and Global context of democratic society.
For support of the main mission of the school, Primary school Jedovnice cooperates with many organizations for education, sport activities, environmental activites and regional development organizations like The Primary art school Jedovnice, The Forest school Křtiny, the Secondary technical school Jedovnice, Pedagogical and Psychological Counselling Centre Blansko, The Labour Office Blansko, sport centre Sokol Jedovnice or Centre for environmental education Lipka and Rezekvítek.
It also cooperates with school in Aschheim in Germany. This German school is visited by students from Jedovnice primary school for improvement of their language skills twice a year. This partnership is supported by The Czech-German fund of future and also by Municipality of Jedovnice. The school has also partnership with primary school Čachtice in Slovakia.