International cooperation

International cooperation programmes offer not only additional funding and expertise, but also an unprecedented thematic breadth. International project may involve any legal entity and can finance almost everything – from international cooperation of leading research institutes, over a meeting of mayors to a travelling exhibition of amateur photographers.

Nevertheless, based on our experience and interviews with representatives of public, private and non-profit sector, the programmes are not being fully exploited. This situation is not the result of lacking interest in international grant programmes. In fact, the different stakeholders – potential grant beneficiaries – lack the know-how and contacts of possible international project partners, so that it is difficult for them to start the international project.

And that is what we do! We connect the Czech partners with relevant international partners and help them with project application and management. Similarly, we can set the foreign EC project applicants in contact with relevant and professional Czech NGOs, public or private entities to create an expert consortium for any international project.

We can cooperate inside and outside the following programmes:

  • Erasmus +
  • Horizon2020
  • Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME)
  • The Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)
  • Rights and Citizenship
  • Justice
  • Europe for Citizens
  • Creative Europe
  • Health for Growth
  • Consumer
  • LIFE: Environment and Climate Action
  • Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
  • Transnational Cooperation Operational Programme (Central Europe programme, Danube)
  • Interregional Cooperation Operational Programme

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