Social innovations, Social and Health Care
Our expert team works with various organizations in social and health care sectors in Europe. Our key expertise includes the integration of social and health care services, home care, technological innovations, support to start-ups, social inclusion, and innovations on labour market.

Innovations in Education
Our team has experience from dozens of international projects on innovations in education of all levels: early childhood education and care, pre-school, elementary, and secondary education, colleges and university education, vocational education and training (VET) and adult education. We work directly with schools and other education institutions and with policy makers on all levels. We take part in strategic local action planning of education in many cities and city districts. We also implement projects on international mobilities of students and teachers.

Energy efficiency and renewable sources
Our energy experts work closely with top European research and policy making institutions in the area of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. We have up-to-date expertise on energy efficiency in buildings and industry, in using renewable energy sources, and in funding schemes and opportunities including grants, loans and EPC (energy performance contracting).