ALERRT Project
ALERRT’s aim is to improve communication and understanding between first responders and individuals on the Autism Spectrum Disorder.
For people with autism, learning to interact with first responders (police officers, firefighters, and medical emergency/ambulance workers) is critical, such as understanding autism and preparedness to respond effectively and safely to situations involving individuals on the spectrum is to first respondents.
Evidence shows first responders lack autism awareness although they are 7 times more likely to come in contact with an individual with ASD than the average person.
ALERRT’s aim is to provide first responders in Europe with knowledge and understanding about ASD and the skills necessary to recognize, interact, and appropriately treat individuals with ASD in cases of emergency. This will be done through special training delivered by VET trainers, also available on an e-learning platform.
Next to that, a safety kit will be designed for people with ASD and their caregivers, serving as a prevention tool providing first responders with sufficient information needed to recognize their specific situation and adapt their intervention to meet their emergency needs.
THEY.EA (Towards Higher Employability of Youth. European Approach) was a project to support youth employability by raising awareness about the European opportunities for NEETs. More information here.
The project aimed at supporting pupils endangered with early school leaving through modern ICT tools.
DESK, which stands for Adult Digital Education Skills Kit to Foster Employability, will be created to instruct adult trainers on how to create digital content for their class and promote lifelong learning to adults as well as help them improve their skills to access labor market.
Nowadays, in order to access a job, you must fulfill some requirements, such as having some skills regarding digital literacy. However, some figures show that almost half of EU citizens are digitally illiterate. Digital literacy is one of the basic skills to access to the labor market, but if there is a lack of it in the citizens of a member state it can affect negatively to its economic growth and eventually end up affecting to the European Union as a whole.
In order to change the digital illiteracy that affects the European Union, this project aims at offering an opportunity to adult learners to engage in a new learning environment through the so-called augmented reality. Therefore a digital toolkit named DESK, which stands for Adult Digital Education Skills Kit to Foster Employability, will be created to instruct adult trainers on how to create digital content for their class and promote lifelong learning to adults as well as help them improve their skills to access labor market. Thus the target group of this project will be adult trainers from the partners belonging to the EU member states, as well as adult students with a lack of digital literacy.
The project will start on the 1st of November 2018 and will be accomplished by the end of April 2021.
The main objectives are:
- Establishing a curriculum based on training needs of adults according to the digital skills needed to improve and foster employability.
- Implement e-Learning content based on the previously established curriculum.
- Develop a set of case studies as examples of Augmented Reality for training adults.
- Develop the “Digital Adult Trainers Toolkit”.
- Evaluation of this toolkit by a group of Adult Trainers.
- Disseminate results of this project across Europe and distribute the “DESK Toolkit”.
Project partners:
- MPIRMPAKOS D. & SIA O.E. (Greece)
- Archon sp. z o.o. (Poland)
- EURO-NET (Italy)
- MEDIA CREATIVA 2020, S.L. (Spain)
- Evropska rozvojova agentura, s.r.o. (Czech Republic)
“TICTAC Time for International CooperaTion: Active Cities” The aim of the project is to raise awareness about the European programmes and tools among people working in the municipalities and regional administrations (clerks, professionals and elected representatives) and in other public institutions (such as the personnel from schools, universities, agencies chambers, social centres, orphanages ). The objective of TICTAC is also to raise interest of adults in the solution of problems related to local community and to let them influence public institutions’ performance in this area. These European Programmes, tools and financial instruments (when used effectively) can contribute to more effective and integrated development of European towns and regions for example in the following areas of the Europe2020 strategy: smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
“CREA.T.Y.V. Creative Drama for Training Young Volunteers in Intergenerational Learning Environments” used creative drama for the development of soft skills in youth at risk of social exclusion. The project was implemented by organisations with relevant expertise from Czech Republic, Italy, Ireland and Romania. CREA.T.Y.V. used creative drama as an educational metho; herein group interaction, emotions exploration, and cognitive thinking helped the participants improve their confidence and elevate social skills towards smoother integration. The project outputs are very diverse: methodology of intergenerational training program for young people using creative drama; training programme; handbook for trainers; guidebook for young people; policy recommendation on volunteering in intergenerational contexts; and a short film created by the participants. The overall impact of CREA.T.Y.V. extended into creation of a more inclusive society, better employability of marginalised young people, increased intergenerational cooperation, and active ageing promotion at wider scale.
VINA – Erasmus+
“VINA (Validating Informal and Non-formal Acquired Skills)” promotes non-formal and informal education and the validation of resulting learning outcomes. Implemented by a transnational consortium (IT, UK, CZ, GR, PL), VINA reflects current European needs for professional and personal development via certified upskilling. The VINA database and ROTA statistical analyser created within the project enable user-customised skills’ development and validation. VINA connects validation institutions (public or private), educators, lecturers, and trainers/teachers supporting informal/non-formal to an open-source database of diverse validation tools. VINA seeks to improve people’s competitiveness, support social mobility, and ultimately contribute to an equal society as envisaged by Europe 2020 strategy.
“App Your School” aims at introducing innovative, ICT-based participatory educational approaches in schools to encourage the development of soft skills and sustenance of creativity in children. Created and conducted by eight European organisations (IT, CZ, TR, PT, PL, FI, LT, GR), the project popularizes two widely-used Italian educational methods: Alberto Manzi Manzi’s “digital ateliers” and Bruno Munari’s practical experiments involving ICT tools. The project encourages the use of innovative educational tools by means of learning, teaching, and training activities, National Toolkits, and the creation of a European Manual. The ultimate aim of “App Your Schools” is to foster digital competences in learners and educators alike. Also, the project delivers in accordance with Europe 2020 strategy concerning the reduction in early school leaving and improvement of digital and media literacy.
“AlterDrive” is a hands-on, technical project seeking to improve the quality of vocational education and training in automotive engineering. The project was elaborated by a transnational consortium (CZ, ES, PL) reuniting schools, businesses, and a research centre. AlterDrive pursues the development of innovative approaches to teaching automotive engineering while inserting best European practices in the field. The project established an e-learning platform for instruction on alternative propulsion systems in the automotive engineering profession. The theoretical modular units and VR Game Experience embedded on the platform are designed for practical learning in automotive engineering classes throughout Europe. AlterDrive activities, courses, and learning materials simultaneously consider the needs of educational institutions, vocational centres, and industry stakeholders, thus bridging the in-training specialists with the labour market.
FUN@SCIENCE – Erasmus+
“FUN@SCIENCE – Exploiting 3D printing for science education and scientific careers” promotes greater engagement with sciences across all educational levels. As digital skills are increasingly more in demand throughout Europe, FUN@SCIENCE partnership (PT, GR, PL, CZ, IT) contributes with educational perspectives and needs from diverse regions to design a global educational model incorporating 3D printing activities in school curricula. The immediate impact of the project is the introduction of 3D printers in the classroom to portray sciences as interactive and entertaining. Moreover, the partners developed replicable learning materials: based on quantified best practices and study circles, FUN@SCIENCE created an Educational Model, an Open Education Resource, and Guidelines. In the long run, FUN@SCIENCE encourages students to pursue STEM science, technology, engineering, mathematics and science education, respectively careers.
Stop Bullying – Erasmus+
“Stop Bullying” is focused on the prevention of bullying in schools by raising awareness and training educators for managing conflictual situations between peers. The project was created and conducted by seven international partners (ES, IT, LT, CZ, PT, TR), each involving 60 teachers who were instructed during meetings and seminars on how to detect, deter, and deal with bullying instances. Such peer aggression is critical to address as it affects the quality of learning for all parties, hinders the healthy development of individuals, and can scar both victims and perpetrators in the long run. Stop Bullying developed a methodology enabling guided approaches to reduce bullying; it comprises a communication network, a questionnaire, brochures, and an eBook. So, by increasing awareness and improving teachers’ and trainers’ capacity to handle bullying, schools can become safer, more positive environments that strengthen personal and interpersonal relationships and increase self-confidence.
3D-Help – Erasmus+
“3D-HELP: Enhancing EU Employability by Adult Training in 3D Printing” improves and expands high quality education by employing revolutionary 3D printing technology. The project addresses the need of digital upskilling and acquisition of ICT competences in adult trainers, respectively learners, and stakeholders in the adult education sector as demanded Europe’s 4th Industrial Revolution. The project was developed by a transnational consortium (CZ, RO, LT, MT, HR) which jointly created materials on the use of 3D printing: Guidelines, Case Studies, Curriculum, Course Content, Trainer Guidelines, and an e-Learning System for Adult Training. By creating updated curricula and practical courses, this project equips adults for aptly using 3D printing. The overarching goal of 3D-Help is to adapt the EU-wide Adult Education curricula to the emerging digital technologies, hereby pursuing the ambitions of EU’s Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition of supporting the up-skilling and retraining of the workforce for new digital technologies.
RENEW – Leonardo da Vinci Programme
“RENEW” happened within Lifelong Learning – Leonardo da Vinci Programme and focused on honing the skills of professionals already operating with EU-funded projects. RENEW involved 14 European partners (IT, HU, GR, PT, BE, TR, RO, LV, PL, CZ, BG, MT) and revolved around peer learning methods. The project produced 19 magisterial lessons on diverse aspects of EU programmes and project planning, followed by four transnational workshops. The overall aim is to improve the expertise and skills of employees engaged in educational and consultancy operations within European programmes. To attain this goal, RENEW focused on peer to peer non-hierarchical learning pursuing mutual expertise improvement and clustered organisations for boosting international network-making and expansion. Though the ensuing lessons target people with prior EU funds experience, the knowledge created by RENEW serves non-experts alike.
WINE – Leonardo da Vinci Programme
“W.I.N.E. Wine In Northeastern Europe: improving winegrowers’ marketing skills in the field of wine tourism” emerged from the continual and collective efforts of stakeholders in the wine industry. The project involved small and medium winemakers from Northeastern Europe (PL, SK, CZ, IT, DE) and helped them address challenges to business sustainability. WINE aimed to equip winemakers with adequate marketing skills and boost business diversification by engaging in wine tourism. Throughout the project, the partners collected and shared good practices, the outcomes consisting of a compendium of good practices with complementary training materials, followed by study visits for the development of joint promotion strategies. Ultimately, the project permitted the partners to increase sales, diversify income, and enhance transnational cooperation while establishing the Visegrad Wine Route.
PRINTSTEM – Erasmus+
“PRINTSTEM Pedagogical Resources IN Teaching Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics” sought to develop, experiment with, and model solutions for the use of 3D printers for teaching STEM subjects. Accounting for learners’ reduced interest in STEM, yet the high demand on the labour market for STEM-related skills, the project set to develop school training programmes for using 3D printers to encourage innovation and incentivize students to pursue STEM. PRINTSTEM mobilised a consortium of ten partners (IT, PL, ES, CZ, UK, TR, GR) and leveraged the results of the project “3D printers in schools: uses in the curriculum” conducted in 2013 by 21 schools in the United Kingdom. PRINTSTEM led to the creation of Open Education Resources reuniting teaching methodologies and materials. Thus, by creating pupil- and teacher-led educational experimentations for the development of scientific literacy competences, PRINTSTEM increased awareness about the relevance and employability potential of STEM skills.
Social innovation
KeyRoma – GRUNDTVIG Programme
“KeyRoma” developed key social skills in Roma women for increasing their employment rates in the service sector. Implemented by five partners (ES, CZ, BG, RO, BE), KeyRoma sought to address the lack of labour market integration of Roma women due to their subpar education. The project focused on Roma women; entities working with Roma people; VET providers; employers of the service sector; and organisations working with disadvantaged groups. The project led to the creation of a competence-evaluation methodology, a survey on social skills in Roma women, a handbook on service sector labour market requirements, case studies comprising good practices, and a learning module. KeyRoma aimed to empower Roma women by improving their socio-economic integration through greater participation in education; providing tailored information; and encouraging direct dialogue to promote social cohesion, active citizenship, and personal fulfilment of the participants.
I AM ROMA – Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme, European Commission
“I AM ROMA: Changing Mindsets” focused on combating discrimination, racism, and xenophobia with an emphasis on protecting Roma children’s rights. Reuniting European partners (BG, GR, RO, SK, IE, BE, PT, CZ) with considerable experience in Roma integration, the project worked towards countering negative stereotypes and fostering tolerance. Each partner established a Local Action Group which mobilized local activists, researchers, policy-makers, media people, and artists to promote the cause of Roma, as supported by an online series of activities. Also, the partners consolidated the expertise individually created by sharing good practices during transnational workshops. Thus, I AM ROMA built up capacity and know-how of local actors engaged in Roma anti-discrimination work and supported them in developing local/regional campaigns to challenge stereotypes and highlight good practices through a transnational exchange programme.
Active Aging – Operational Programme Human Resources and Employment, European Social Fund
The project “Active Aging” focused on the exchange of good practices and know-how in the field of active aging, employment, respectively retirement policies. Prompted by EU-wide trends of declining demographics and subsequent strained welfare systems, the project reunited the expertise of entities from both public and non-governmental sectors. The implementers of Active Aging were the Swedish town of Lodingö, the British NGO PISCES Partnership In Social and Community Enterprise in Schools, and the Department of Social and Health Care in Prague.
Current trends and social innovation in long term and direct care – Operational Programme Human Resources and Employment, European Social Fund
The project “Current trends and social innovation in the long term and direct care” supported the mutual exchange of know-how, good practices, and evaluation of currently existing policies concerning the provision of long-term care in the Czech Republic. The European trends of greater life expectancy and more people being in need of long-term care motivated the project. The main goal of the project was to develop and further sustain the expansion of thematic networks concerned with knowledge transfer. The partners came exclusively from the Czech Republic: European Development Agency, Institute of Social Services Prague 4, and the European Innovation Centre Prague.
“DENS Different Experiences – New Solutions” sought to increase the share of older workers in the labour market as prescribed by the goals of the Lisbon Strategy for a more competitive, knowledge-based economy in the European Union. Based on effective partnerships between national stakeholders (CZ, DK, SI, HR), DENS had as key activities two Transnational Forums on Flexicurity (flexibility and security) and Active Aging. During the Forums, the participants proactively engaged in workshops on, among other topics: development and functioning of the social security system in the Czech Republic, the position of older workers in the labour market, and the concept of volunteering as a possible solution to the critical situation in the labour market.
Social inclusion
For people with autism, learning to interact with first responders (police officers, firefighters, and medical emergency/ambulance workers) is critical, such as understanding autism and preparedness to respond effectively and safely to situations involving individuals on the spectrum is to first respondents.
Evidence shows first responders lack autism awareness although they are 7 times more likely to come in contact with an individual with ASD than the average person.
ALERRT’s aim is to provide first responders in Europe with knowledge and understanding about ASD and the skills necessary to recognize, interact, and appropriately treat individuals with ASD in cases of emergency. This will be done through special training delivered by VET trainers, also available on an e-learning platform.
ELMI (Enhancing Labour Market Integration of elderly family carers through skills Improving) was a project that supported elderly family carers by offering them an on-line training course to help them developing their skills, better facing this challenging role and becoming professional carers. More information here.
GYMSEN aimed at maintenance of sensory capacities for the elderly with the consequences for the improvement of their wellness and quality of life. More information here.
ECO: European Challenges and Opportunities promoted entrepreneurship among recently graduated youth, improving their employability and encouraging their active participation in society. More information here.
Technological innovation
In this project, we aimed to develop and transfer the developments in the rapid prototyping field to engineering education in the near future with a strong consortium
CENILS (Central European Network for Knowledge based on Innovative Light Sources) project aimed to create a transnational network of universities, laboratories and Small and Medium Enterprises, which will promote an effective use and a rational development of Innovative Light Sources (ILS‘s) in the Central Europe Programme Area. It was composed of several study visits and workshops. The project was co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. It was implemented by six EU countries – Italy, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Germany and Poland.
E2BEBIS project (Environmental and Economic BEnefits from Biochar clusterS in the Central area) tackled the limited use of biochar in Central Europe, the lack of a proper legal framework on biochar on EU level, as well as on national levels in the participating countries, and the low awareness of the potential benefits of biochar among policy-makers and other stakeholders. The main aim of the project was to increase the use of environmentally friendly technology, the biochar produced through the pyrolisis, since it is still considered a waste to dispose. The project was implemented in five EU countries – Italy, Poland, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and the Czech Republic and financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Central Europe.
ACCESS main objective was the acceleration of regional competitiveness and sector-based excellence through innovation management tools and techniques. ACCESS was focused on a range of selected industries: food industry, biotechnology, and mechatronics. The project sought to develop and deploy of more effective tools, techniques and strategies within these industries. For the creation of these tools and techniques, ACCESS resorted to activities like sectoral audits and exchanges of experience in the relevant areas. The project included 11 partners from 8 Central European countries that joint their forces to improve innovation policy; due to the sectoral approach, multiple other relevant stakeholders were involved in the co-creation process.
Mobilities and internships
Within the VET Staff Mobility project we organized a course for a group of VET (Vocational Education and Training) lectors from Bulgaria together with Bulgarian organization BARS Consult Ltd. The mobility spanned the period of 15 days, took place in Prague, Czech Republic, and consisted of a specialized course and 4 study visits in various vocational institutions. More information here.
Internships for Youth 2 project offered students of the final grades of university or secondary school to gain work experience during their studies. Placements for young job seekers (internships for youth) sought to address unemployment of recent graduates in the labour market. Internships lasted up to 300 hours (1-3 months).
The project Internships for Youth offered students of the final grades of university or secondary school to gain working experience even during their studies. Placements for young job seekers (Internships for Youth) addressed unemployment of fresh graduates in the labor market.
The main objective of the project Internships in Private Companies was to introduce an innovative system of further education through internships in companies and thus to increase the employability of people in the labor market. The project was designed for Czech citizens or residents (excluding the self-employed and students) with domicile outside the capital. The project leader was the Fund of Further Education.
The project Practical Experience for Young People under 30 Years was aimed at increasing employment among specific age groups of young people through targeted implementation of active employment policy measures. EUDA accepted two interns for one year during the project.
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs was launched in 2009, when the first entrepreneurs went abroad to gain valuable experience. Since more than one thousand young entrepreneurs joined the project. Also EUDA hosted two young interns under the program – Zsuzsanna from Hungary and Kadi from Estonia.
During the VISIT project in partnership with the Comune di Santa Maria Capua Vetere from Italy, 21 Italian graduates with Tourism and Cultural field background were matched with host organisations in Prague from January until May 2014 in a training experience in these placements. According to their specific profiles, they were doing tasks related with receptivity, tourism management, promotion and safeguarding of cultural heritage. Program run in parallel also in the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus. It was financed by Leonardo da Vinci programme.
During the GoTour project in partnership with the Eurokom Association from Italy, 9 Italian graduates with Tourism and Cultural field background were matched with host organisations in Prague from January until May 2014 in a training experience in these placements. According to their specific profiles, they were doing tasks related with receptivity, tourism management, promotion and safeguarding of cultural heritage. It was financed by Leonardo da Vinci programme.
Within the VISA Project, 10 students from italian high school Profagri Salerno visited Prague from 20th June to 26th July. They had secured a work placement at Dobrá farma in Maslovice, a village about 18 km far from Prague. There they had a varied content of activities and got to know daily running of the farm. During their visit in Prague they also attend a several excursions that complement their practical education. E.g one of these excursions was held in the National Museum of Agriculture. A great success had “Laboratory of silence” exhibition, which provides visitors a microcosm of forest flora by using the latest technologies and which won the 2015 EXPO in Milan. Students evaluated their experiences from Prague generally positively, especially the excursions and their free time. They said: “We are leaving enriched by many new experiences of work and personal character”.
Within the FIVET Project, the European development agency provided a five-week internship for students of Fashion and design from Italian high school Comune di Casapula. Ten students tried to work in the fashion industry in Prague. They were placed in the design and clothing boutiques and tried activities such as designing clothes and accessories, sewing and mending clothes and upcycling and recycling the clothes in practice. During the visit they also attend a several excursions, e.g. very popular was Andy Warhol´s exhibition in the Gallery of Art Prague. These excursions were selected especially to draw the inspiration for students´ creative work. Students evaluated their experiences from Prague generally positively, especially the beauty of the City of Prague and care staff of the European development agency, who provided tours and logistical support during their entire visit.
At the turn of September and October 2016, the mobility of 17 Polish students held in Prague in the framework of the project Mobile mechanic on the European market financed by the European Social Fund, Operational Programme Research, development and education. Thanks to ERA there were involved also two high schools from Czech Republic, Střední škola technická Zelený Pruh and Střední průmyslová škola dopravní a.s., which hosted students of Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft from Marshal Jozef Pilsufski Schools in Szcuczyn, Poland. The aim of this project was to gain work experiences in high qualified companies of the automotive industry in Czech market, acquisition of new skills related to the profession and deepening the knowledge acquired in school. Sub-objective was also improving language skills, especially English. In addition, Polish students participating in the project acquainted with the culture and traditions in the Czech Republic. During the three-month mobility they attended practical internships in car services and rich culture program with Prague and Kutná Hora sightseeing, which the European development agency had prepared to them. The European development agency would like to continue in cooperation with the mediator of this project. They already plan another educational mobility for Polish teachers at the beginning of 2017. There the teachers will be supposed to attend job shadowing in Czech schools and gain experiences of the real teaching at a foreign school in practice.
At the turn of January and February 2017, the European Development Agency organised a mobility of 10 Polish teachers was held in Prague within the framework of the Erasmus + program and the Job shadowing – Polish teachers project. Read more about this successful project here.
For almost the whole of May, the European Development Agency hosted a group of Polish students who were gaining their first work and foreign experience in Prague. Students were placed in companies from all over Prague, which prepared a professional internship for them.
Sustainable mobility
BICY project promoted sustainable models of mobility in Central Europe by diffusion of bicycles, the most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly mode of transport. The project aimed for, inter alia, development of a coherent and integrated urban-regional bike planning, promotion the image of bicycle as a key complement of public transport, a modern and ecological means of transportation, generating exchange of approaches and experiences between the partners, and the establishment of common indicators. The project involved 11 partners from 7 countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia) representing a balanced mixture of public authorities and transport research institutions. It was co-financed by the Central Europe Programme and the European Regional Development Fund.
Urban Development
The main objective of AGORA is a joint creation of a transnational policy-learning platform, transferring the project’s findings and governance solutions in a form of a Toolkit, offering instruments enabling entities to drive and catalyse the revalorisation of unused buildings into business and housing areas, boosting their growth potential.
The project will start on the 1st of July 2020 and will be accomplished by the end of December 2022.
“AgriGo4Cities Urban agriculture for changing cities: governance models for better institutional capacities and social inclusion” employed Participatory Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture (UPA) as methods to improve public institutional capacities. The primary objective of the project is to tackle the socio-economic exclusion of vulnerable/marginalised groups and to stimulate sustainable urban development in the Danube region. The project was implemented by 17 diverse partners coming from 9 European countries. Hereby the partners co-created a methodology to improve the capacities of public administrators to involve the poor, unemployed, homeless, Roma communities, elderly, women, and youth in governance and public participation. By creating and sustaining urban gardens and suchlike collaborative structures, AgriGo4Cities sought to intensify cooperation, boost mutual trust, and stimulate socio-economic inclusion of vulnerable/marginalised groups. Thus, the AgriGo4Cities innovative methodology of participatory planning created led to more inclusive decision-making processes; reduced social and economic inequalities, and subsequently enabled a more sustainable development of disadvantaged neighborhoods.
“Grow Your Raw” connected eco-entrepreneurs with their sustainability-oriented colleagues around Europe, with the aim of promoting and further improving improve sustainable agriculture and support socially responsible agricultural start-ups. The project was implanted by a consortium gathering partners from the Czech Republic, France, Greece, North Macedonia, and Slovenia. Grow Your Raw focused on facilitating the sharing of experiences and entrepreneurial ideas in the field of sustainable agriculture in view of strengthening cooperation among partners. Via strategic approach, highly participatory, engaging activities, and capacity building, the project activities empowered adults to get into organic production businesses, respectively develop and accelerate their start-up enterprises by bringing them closer to sustainable production models. The same innovative organic business concept was promoted to unemployed adults as well, as a tool to tackle unemployment. The ultimate objective of Grow Your Raw is to empower individuals to secure employment, support businesses, and expand social entrepreneurship through organic and sustainable production.
Work Locally Develops Globally – But Green! – PROGRESS Programme
“Work Locally Develops Globally – But Green!” within PROGRESS programme empowers Roma communities by means of social entrepreneurship in waste management. The project was organised by a partnership reuniting local authorities and civil society and private sector organisations (SI, MK, BG, HR, CZ) and sought to develop green skills in Roma people. The project focused on sharing good practices at transnational level and mainly aided the informal plastic recycling initiatives to become formal businesses. To sustain this transformation process, the project created a strong European network of Green Business Incubators which ensured mutual learning processes and created public-private partnerships. The online support provided within the project together with the ensuing network raised employability and improved skills of the local population concerning recycling businesses in the partners’ communities.