The 5th event of the GET2IT project, organized by the Institute for Regional Development, ERA Partner Institute, took place in Prague on January 28-28, 2022. The project was organized as 5 events (in Croatia, Serbia, Italy, Slovenia and the Czech Republic) and also to build citizens’ understanding of how to plan and manage measures that belong to growth and their integration. The main goals for all partners were to increase the involvement of citizens in local events and democratic processes. The project aimed to make citizens more open and interested in volunteering.
The course of the Prague meeting in more detail:
DAY 1 = January 26
Arrival of participants
Welcoming speeches (Director of the Institute for Regional Development, Lead Partner Organization POU Varaždin)
Presentation of current projects of the Institute for Regional Development
Presentation of EU subsidized projects implemented by the Prague 9 district (relevant to GET2IT project topics)
DAY 2 = January 27
Presentation of the Institute for Health Literacy and their new project within the Visegrad Fund called “INHEAL” (Innovation in Health Literacy)
Presentation of AMIGA – Agency for Migration and Adaptation
AMIGA and IRD workshop on how to involve citizens in migrant volunteering and other related topics
Visit to Prague’s monuments and historical sites
Project team meeting
DAY 3 = January 28
Presentation of the Center of Social Services Prague – about services and projects for marginalized groups
Presentation of the civic association Romodrom – about their activities and projects for the (not only) Roma minority in the Czech Republic and neighboring countries
GET2IT course testing