Click here to read our final newsletter!
Author: Lucie Marková
On September 23, 2019, EuDA organized the final partner meeting of our 3D-HELP project.
All partners (from Croatia, Lithuania, Romania and Malta) came to Prague to discuss the last steps of the project, its dissemination and sustainability.
The next day, September 24, we organized a final conference not only for the project partners, but also for public, such as adult learners and teachers. The project and its outputs were disseminated and the participants could try to create and print their own key chain using 3D printer, with the help of lecturers from PRUSA RESEARCH.
Both events were very successfull and the project comes to its final phase. Do not miss all information about the project on its website and Facebook page!
At the end of April, partners of the 3D-Help participated in a meeting, which took place in Kaunas, Lithuania. The main topic discussed was e-learning, which will help adult learners to get new infomration about 3D printing. All partners gave their feedbacks on the previous outputs and discussed possible improvements.
We are now in the last phase of the project, which will end in September with the final conference in Prague.
For more information about the project, look at our website and Facebook page.
Have a look on the second newsletter of the 3D-HELP project!
You can find more information about the project on its website:
VINA project (Validation of Informal and Non-formal Skills) is about to finish. During the last month of the project, public events have been held in each partner country in order to disseminate the project´s main outputs – the Database and ROTA Analyzer.
Click here to look at the project´s last press release or here to read the third newsletter.
For more information about the VINA project, visit its website:
The Multiplier event of the VINA project was organized by the European Development Agency on Tuesday, 20th November 2018 in Prague.
The event was open for public and the audience was composed by adults with and without a university degree, students in their final year of studies and university absolvents planning to do some sort of validation of their informal or non-formal skills. In total, 30 people attended the event.
There was a presentation about international projects in general, with an example of VINA project. The aims of the project and the partners were presented, the Database and the ROTA Analyzer were shown and explained to the participants. The participants were provided with refreshment and soft drinks.
The project is coming to its end and you can see all outputs created by the consortium of partners on its website: Moreover, you can read its brochure explaining the outputs and the whole project here.
Intellectual outputs of the VINA project
VINA project focuses on Validating Informal and Non formal Acquired Skills. It is an European Cofunded project coordinated by EURO, an Italian Research Centre. Partner organizations are: European Learning Network Ltd (United Kingdom), Evropská rozvojová agentura s.r.o. (Czech Republic), e‐Compass (Greece) and Fundacja Instytut Rownowagi Spoleczno Ekonomicznej (Poland).
Through international partnership we aim to exchange good practices and support people in Europe with a simple to use instrument, which opens opportunities to make their skills visible and clearly validated.
Our main products include:
- Database – database of effective instruments for validation of informal and non-formal qualifications
- Analyser – Recognition Opportunities Tendency Analyser R.O.T.A.
are complete and ready to use. They are both available on our website:
VINA Database
VINA Database is ready to help users looking for information, projects and their outcomes, European and international organizations, and tools around validation of informal and non-formal education.
VINA Database is designed according to the recommendations of a tool categorisation of Cedefop, agency which helps European Commission, EU Member States and the social partners to develop the right European VET policies. It takes into account different categories: the phases of validation, areas of interest and our target groups.
What is interesting is that users are able to add new tools/entries and also translate any tools/entries in any language. These features allow us to expand the database fast, through collaborations with individuals and public and private organisations. These collaborations of course will continue to develop in the
following years allowing to exploit the possibilities of the database to the highest level. The database will be maintained by EURO for at least another 5 years.
Recognition Opportunities Tendency Analyzer (R.O.T.A.)
Along with the database, we have also developed a Recognition Opportunities Tendency Analyzer (R.O.T.A.) mechanism. It uses a special algorithm assigned to each tool and evaluates them according to the number of visits to each tool in a collaboration with the searches in the database.
The results are displayed in a table and also in a graphic format. The table shows the main tools that reported the most visits and searches in the database. The chart next to the table shows the tools with the major index number, signifying popularity and therefore the skills searched.
At R.O.T.A page we include additional statistics concerning the tools we keep in the database. These are the country of origin of the users, the visits from computer or from mobile phones or tablets, the types of Operating Systems etc. This information helps to extract additional conclusions of the preferences of tools, discover tendencies of the users and other information such as the profile of the users that use our database. Thus, again signifying popular skills being searched.
Multiplier events
After completion of VINA outputs, dissemination events will take place in all partner countries. During this events we want to share our database and ROTA with groups interested in informal and non-formal acquired skills validation. We would like to invite you to participate!
This is the second newsletter of VINA project, on which you can find more information at The first newsletter was published in March 2017 and gave an overview about the aims of the project, activities and partner organizations. This newsletter is about following actions, meetings and examples of the most interesting tools for the database of the project.
Meeting in London
In September 2017, a second meeting of partner organizations was held in London. Outputs 1 and 2 were discussed in two working sessions. A review on the first activities of the Output 1 was given, as well as an overview on Output 2 – Recognition Opportunities tendency Analyzer (R.O.T.A.) and on Communication/Management Platform. The partners created a General Evaluation plan.
Meeting in Athens
The third meeting took place in Athens and was organized for 2 days in February 2018. A Database of Instruments and a communication platform were discussed, as well as the Analyzer. The division of next tasks was also agreed.
The next meeting will take place in September 2018 in Poland.
Validation of Education of Informal and Nonformal Learning
One of the outputs we are currently developing is a Database of Instruments for Validating Informal and Non-formal Learning, which will be a repository of recognition tools applicable in informal and non-formal learning. It will gather tools, collect the instruments developed as a result of projects funded by the EU and by local organizations, independent experts, enthusiasts, etc. It will make a qualitative evaluation of the collected tools and provide recommendations for users and provide users with the possibility to comment and evaluate collected tools, as well as to add a new instrument and create recommendations.
You can see how the database will look like:
Each partner organization was given a different area of Europe where they carried out an in-depth research on existing databases, searching for results related to non-formal and informal learning area from outside the world of EU projects with using work groups.
You can have a look on two examples of tools:
The National Register of Qualifications (from the Czech Republic) – a public register of complete and partial professional qualifications existing on the labour market in the Czech Republic and their assessment standards. It is a continuously built, state-supported register which can be used by citizens and employers. It allows candidates to obtain a nationally recognized certificate of their professional qualifications gained in non-formal education.
The Croatian Qualifications Framework – a reform instrument for regulating the system of qualifications at all levels in the Republic of Croatia through qualifications standards based on learning outcomes and following the needs of the labour market, individuals and society.
For more information about the project please visit us at – – or contact us via the coordinator at – or via one of our partner organisations.