Since September 2016, has the European Development Agency participated in a new project called App Your School. The project belongs to the framework of Strategic partnership for innovation in education under the Erasmus + programme.

 APPS             APPYOS

The project was designed in order to support the usage of digital technologies at schools. The applied methods tests innovative approaches in the ICT tools field, which are meant to improve creativeness among students. Therefore, the aim of the project is to introduce ITC tools and related activities to lectures what would increase soft skills of involved children. The expected result would be a constructive dialogue between children, teachers, schools and the society. Based on mutual understanding of all involved parties, the school should become a place of personal development, creativeness and thinking “out of the box”. Moreover, the project partners perceive school as an institution suitable for testing future innovations as the technological development would hardly slow down any time soon and educational bodies must not fall behind the trends. Last but not least, with accordance to the strategy Europe 2020, the project addresses early school leaving and prevents youth drop outs. The project lasts for 36 months in 8 European countries.

App Your School works with two methods designed by Italian researchers. The methods of Alberto Manzi (well experienced teacher who uses so-called “digital ateliers” which combine digital technology with rea-life world) and Bruno Munari (developed a method for practical experiments for students during which they can try out what they have learned in lessons) help to involve ICT tool in lessons. The methods are widely used in Italy and the idea of this project is to spread the knowledge to other European countries.

The lead partner of the project is an Italian educational centre Zaffiria. There are also 7 other project partners from the following countries:

  • Czech Republic – European Development Agency
  • Turkey – Esenler Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu/Esenler District Education Authority
  • Portugal – AENIE – The National Association of Educational Innovation and Inclusion in Schools
  • Poland – Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska – network
  • Lithuania – EDUPRO NETWORK
  • Greece – KARPOS

The first year of the project is fully dedicated to proper training of the partners and the participating teachers. The trainings are conducted within Transnational and National courses. The testing will take place during the second year of the project. During this time are he partners expected to hold all the experiments and application of newly learned methods together with students. The final year of the project will be left for writing the final Toolkits which will reflect the experiments. The Toolkits will be distributed to various schools and institutions in order to inform the laic society about the methods and the project’s outcomes.

2 replies on “APP YOUR SCHOOL”

[…] During the third week  of September the EUDA App Your School team took part in the second Learning Teaching Trainig Activity. The LTTA took place in Bologna, Italy. Teams from all eight participating countries gathered to present their Digital Atelier proposals, including some of the practical excercises. Further presentations and discussion concerned the Best practices in each of the countries. Participants were encouraged to share their national experiences and expertise which served as an inspiration for other partners. LTTA was organized and hosted by Zaffaria Centro A. Manzi. To read more about App Your School please see here. […]