As the EU additive manufacturing industry continues to expand, creating new jobs that require new skills and qualifications, there is an immediate need to improve related curricula to provide the target groups with key competencies for potential careers. Assessment and the ability to rely on specific qualitative measures are also becoming increasingly important. The main objective of the EAGLE project is to develop new curricula, training materials, and an electronic platform focused on the idea of innovative learning and the creation of common standards. These resources will provide a benchmark and will be available free of charge to the public. The objective of the project is also closely linked to improving the mismatch between the skills offered and the skills required and aims to create a broad standard of qualifications that will ultimately benefit the industrial labor market.
The project outputs will include the development of curricula and online training materials for 3D Printing Polymer Operators in order to offer innovative training materials to the project target groups. The curriculum has the potential for transferability as it could be used not only in VET but also in schools, universities, and adult education with only minor changes or adaptations.
In addition, guidelines for the training of trainers will be developed to offer guidance to trainers and a qualification/certification system for VET providers for their teachers or trainers to deliver courses with innovative methodologies and through online tools.
The next phase of the project outputs will be the development of assessment questions and online exams for VET students who will be able to take the courses developed under the previous project outputs on the developed online platform where they will also receive online theoretical and practical assessments. Poskytovatelé odborného vzdělávání a přípravy jako sekundární cílová skupina hodnotících nástrojů získají možnost efektivně a rychle hodnotit své žáky a studenty a analyzovat jejich výkony v teoretických i praktických dovednostech. The results of the project will then be fully available through the MOOC platform that will be developed as the final output of the project.
You can learn more about the project here: