What is SpinIT project about?

🤔 What is the SpinIT project in which EUDA is involved within the Interreg Danube Region Programme?

🎯 SpinIT is a European project addressing territorial disparities in the Danube Region. It aims to bridge gaps in innovational capacity, knowledge and digital development.

💡 To reach these goals, the entities composing the project’s consortium connect less developed areas with more advanced hubs, fostering interconnectivity, and engaging a wide range of stakeholders to establish a strong network.

💪 We are focused on the spread of new technologies which are essential now and will allow these territories to really enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We seek to maximize the impact of SpinIT thanks to IT, Industry 4.0, and IT cross-sectoral collaboraton to promote sustainable development across Danube.

📋 SpinIT’s goals are in direct correspondence with the priorities of the Interreg Danube Region Programme 2021-2027, which emphasizes innovation, environmental and cultural preservation, and governance.

To implement the networking and training activities, 17 organizations from 10 countries gathered in a consortium. These partners are private companies, universities, municipalities, and scientific centers. These various agents want to help local public authorities, interest groups, educational entities, and firms to reduce the inequalities within the Danube region. 

🚀 Stay updated with the official web on the Danube portal  

#SpinIT  #InterregDanube #ICTCollaboration #ICT #Industry4.0 #ICTCrossSectoralCollaboration