Interreg Europe – First Call for Proposals Approved

Interreg Europe
On 10 February 2016, Interreg Europe’s first call for proposals results announced that of the 261 applications received, the committee had conditionally approved 64 projects including 11 partners from the Czech Republic and 1 Czech coordinator. 
First Call for Proposals – Facts


The number of weeks the first Interreg Europe call for proposals lasted. It opened on 22 June and closed on 31 July 2015.


The number of project proposals the programme received via the online application system with the supporting documents sent by mail.


The number of organisations applying for cooperation. They come from all Interreg Europe partner states.


The average ERDF co-financing the partners ask for for their cooperation.


The total ERDF budget the project proposals apply for. Partners from Norway apply for another 1,455,764 EUR of their national funds.

Approved Czech Project: HoCare
Aim: Delivery of Innovative solutions for Home Care by strengthening quadruple-helix cooperation in regional innovation chains.
Lead partner: RERA a.s. – Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
Description: The project’s objective is to boost the delivery of home care innovative solutions in regional innovation chains by strengthening cooperation among actors in the regional innovation system using quadruple-helix approach.
Next Call for Proposals:
Applications for Interreg Europe’s second call for project proposals will be accepted from 5 April until 13 May 2016.

MEMTRAIN Partners Announced


MEMTRAIN: Memory Training for Older Adults
Linking Physical Exercise and Brain Training to promote Healthy Ageing

The European Development Agency gladly announce, on behalf of our clients Právě teď , the partners which have been chosen for the project; MEMTRAIN. There was an huge response to the call for partners with over seventy applicants for just six partner positions. There was a long list of suitable candidates which no doubt could have greatly contributed to the project, however in the end we picked the strongest candidates with a variety of skills which will contribute to a balanced team.

The partners are as follows:

Project Coordinator:
Pravé TED, Czech Republic
University Partner:
University Miguel Hernandez, Spain
Sports Partner:
Judo Ireland, Ireland
Sports Partner:
Gdynia Sports Centre, Poland
Sports Partner:
Sport For All – UISP Territoriale Cirie’ Settimo Chivasso, Italy
Brain Training Partner:
Adult Education Centre Rogaska Slatina, Slovenia
Brain Training Partner:
Cesta ke zdraví Kladno, Czech Republic

Právě teď

Právě teď are a non-profit organisation (NGO) which aims to change the perception of ageing in society. It offers daily activities for older people, days of sport, senior camps, memory training, financial literacy training and much more.

MEMTRAIN – Project Overview

Project Aim:

  • To share expertise in the field of brain training and physical exercise for older people (55+) to promote healthy ageing.
  • To prevent the degeneration of memory for healthy older people.
  • To create a training manual which includes three 10-week courses combining sport and memory games as well as chapters on the science behind the idea and safety, motavtion and first aid training tips.

The project will conduct a scientific study on the benefits of linking exercise with brain training to promote healthy ageing and good memory for older adults (55+). At the same time experts in the fields of sport and brain training, who have specific experience in creating programmes for older adults will share their knowledge and create a training manual. This manual will be tested throughout Europe in partner’s home countries during a 10-week training course. Throughout the course surveys and questionnaires will be given to participants and trainers and the data gained from this will be used to better inform the scientific study and to add further substance/ lessons learned to the training manual.

We are looking forward to a successful project and we are moving on to the next phase of the project which will be to submit the Erasmus+ KA2 application by 31st March, 2016.


Partner Search for Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership: MEMTRAIN



MEMTRAIN: Memory Training for Older Adults
Linking Physical Exercise and Brain Training to promote Healthy Ageing

The European Development Agency are currently preparing a KA2 Strategic Partnership application on behalf of one of our clients, Právě teď.

Právě teď are a non-profit organisation (NGO) which aims to change the perception of ageing in society. It offers daily activities for older people, days of sport, senior camps, memory training, financial literacy training and much more.

MEMTRAIN – Project Overview

The project will conduct a scientific study on the benefits of linking exercise with brain training to promote healthy ageing and good memory for older adults (55+). At the same time experts in the fields of sport and brain training, who have specific experience in creating programmes for older adults will share their knowledge and create a training manual. This manual will be tested throughout Europe in partner’s home countries during a 10-week training course. Throughout the course surveys and questionnaires will be given to participants and trainers and the data gained from this will be used to better inform the scientific study and to add further substance/ lessons learned to the training manual.

Interested in learning more?
Please read the attachments to gain further insight into the project and get in touch!


Deadline for the expression of interest: 6th of January 2016
If you would like to apply to join the project as a partner, please fill out the application form attached and return it to

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Second GYMSEN Transnational Meeting takes place in Capri, Italy

The second transnational meeting of GYMSEN partners took place in Capri, Italy on 26th of November, 2015.
The project is well under way with many activities ongoing and completed. During the meeting the partners discussed the questionnaires and interviews collected from the older people and their carers and agreed on the dates for the creation of the training for the older people and for the mentoring events.
During the first months of 2016 the trianing programme for the improvement of sensory capacities will be created by the Spanish and Swedish partners. Notably the mentoring programme is set to wrap up in March 2016 when the Italian, Greek and Czech partners will learn about how to “train” in a right way. Finally the 3rd transnational meeting is set to take place in Sweden in February 2016 where the developed material will be presented for the last time before its completion.
More information about the project at

ELMI Partners meet in Prague

4th Meeting 4th meeting 2

Enhancing Labour Market Integration of Elderly Family Carers through skills improving ELMI partners met on 1st and 2nd of October in Prague, Czech Republic for the 4th transnational meeting. This meeting brought together seven partners from five EU countries; Austria, Romania, Italy, Czech Republic and Poland. The project is now moving into the dissemination phase which will host a number of activities, including a workshop for carers, carer associations and social service providers.
ELMI pilot tests in Romania, Czech Republic and Poland were completed and the feedback from the courses was generally very positive in regard to choice of topics, ease of access to learning platform, easy navigation and understandable modules. There was also some lessons learned from the pilot scheme; it was perfect for beginners in informative value but with budget constraints it lacked interactivity. It was also noted that the modules would be too simple to involve professionals in further learning, it could only target beginners.
Up for discussion next was the final event for the project; ‘Opportunities of transition of the Informal Carer to the Professional’. The event will highlight the importance of increasing the number of professional carers using e-learning, attracting younger carers and by making courses accessible to people living in more remote areas. Speakers on the day will include carers from Poland to talk about their involvement.
There is still plenty to look forward to in the final phase of this project!
The partners in attendance of the event were:

  • E.N.T.E.R.
  • Asociatia Habilitas CRFP
  • Societatea Romana Alzheimer
  • Caritas
  • ANS
  • European Development Agency
  • University of Lodz

Learn more about the project here:
logo-elmi     LLP-logo

News: project THEY.EA successfully launched and running!

You can read the first press release on SlideShare and you will find more information at

Project THEY.EA launched successfully from EUDA_ERA

Erasmus+: Second call on European policy experimentations in the fields of education, training and youth (KA3) will be published soon

The second call on European policy experimentations in the fields of education, training and youth (KA3) under the Erasmus+ programme will be published soon.
Priorities for the call for proposals on European policy experimentations will be:
1. Promoting fundamental values through Education and Training addressing diversity in the learning environment
2. Employment and Skills: validation of informal and non-formal learning in Education and Training
3. Strengthening teacher training education by using the opportunities of new technologies (School education)
4. Towards more innovative and entrepreneurial higher education institutions through institutional change (Higher education)
5. VET teachers and trainers in work-based learning/apprenticeship (VET)
6. Implementation of a framework for the assessment of the effectiveness of adult learning policies
7. Reaching out: developing capacity for tackling and preventing marginalisation and violent radicalisation among young people
Download the 2016 Annual Work Programme, adopted and published on 14 September 2015
More information: website of EACEA.