The project Work Locally develops globally – but green! is a unique combination of transnational partnership between local authorities, civil society and the private sector towards the improvement of the skills related to initiating and running green business, specifically recycling businesses. This initiative is lead by a public authority, the only Roma municipality in Europe.
This project’s overall goal is to promote social entrepreneurship as a form of partnership between public and private stakeholders on local level while promoting development of green skills of Roma people in Macedonia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Czech republic and Croatia.
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- To share good practices on transnational level in the field of social entrepreneurship related to plastic recycling lead by Roma entrepreneurs from Macedonia with their EU counterparts from Czech Republic and Croatia while promoting green jobs in Slovenia, Croatia and Bulgaria.
- To improve green skills of local Roma population promoting and supporting the new and existing informal business to turn into formal businesses.
- To establish a strong network of Green Business Incubators ready to assist to start up green business to everyone through virtual(on-line) support and ensured transnational mutual learning process thought successfully established public-private partnership between local stakeholders.
- Information and capabilities of stakeholders are increased and General public an dpolicy makers informed and encouraged for new forms of collaboration and partnership
- Shared know-how an d policy effects in the field of social entrepreneurship related to plastic recycling between EU members states and Macedonia and established green companies by Roma people, using the existing state mechanized an dpositive measures for Roma enployment.
- Raised employability and improved skills of localpolulation in 3 cities enabling them for waste collection, recycling and independent running of business
- Founded a network of Green Business Incubators and ensured virtual support in interestedindividuals and companies to start up or turn on green business.
The inaugural conference of the project Act Locally Develops Globally – But Green! entitled Roma as Leaders and subtitled “Social entrepreneurship in the field of waste management contributes to economic growth at the local level” was successfully held on the 19th of March in the Exe Iris Hotel Praha. You can learn more here.
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