Kick-off conference of „Advanced coGeneration Options for Reintegrating local Assets” – AGORA – Good Governance through social innovation
The newest Interreg Danube Transnational Programme – AGORA was officialy launched in a digital kick-off conference uniting more then 27 stakehoders and official representatives of the Lead Partner and the National Authority.
The overall objective of the project “Advanced coGeneration Options for the Reintegration of local Assets”- AGORA, is to improve the capacity of public administrations at local and regional level to become more credible and active leaders of local regeneration through development, testing and integration of new operational and political instruments for the revaluation of urban assets.
Under the coordination of the Municipality of Cluj-Napoca and by capitalizing on its experience in recovering and enhancing abandoned land and buildings (developed in the URBACT II Refill Project) and participatory urban actions, AGORA tests and facilitates the adoption in partner cities of new innovative and mediation tools between key actors at the urban level in order to capitalize on and reintegrate unused local assets (abandoned public and private buildings and land), connecting them with local and foreign economic opportunities.
The duration of the project is 30 months, starting with 1st of July 2020 and the total eligible budget of the project is 2,396,870.05 Euro.
The results of the projects aim to obtain:
- Better participatory governance strategies;
- Innovative governance framework for assessment, monitoring and benchmarking;
- Public service co-creation, co-implementation and co-evaluation;
- Transferability: AGORA Toolkit for cities and planners;
- Mutual learning, knowledge and pilot transfer.