On training seminars, the AGORA expert group was giving lectures to partners cities while on peer learning seminars the knowledge was improved through sharing experiences on urban regeneration processes among partner cities from the same thematic cluster and the AGORA expert group. As a part of the capacity building programme 3 peer to peer learning sessions were organised. The 1st one was organised on the 11.10.2021 on the topic of the 2nd thematic cluster: UNUSED/ UNDERUSED AREAS (buildings).
Author: katerinaj
Because of the fact that COVID-19 is a still a treat planned AGORA partners meeting was held online on 21. 7. 2021. Administrative issues as well as individual activities within work packages were discussed during the meeting. Moreover, another AGORA story was presented by the representatives of Chisinau.
On 24. 6. 2021 an interactive State of Play Workshop was organized in Prague 9 in cooperation with EuDA. The aim of the workshop was to create a common realistic vision of the needs, problems and opportunities for recovering and reusing public space in a creative way.
Within the workshop AGORA project was introduced, its aims, goals and ambitions, results of WP T1 (e.g. Operational analysis) and other work done so far in other Work Packages were presented and discussed. Stakeholder involvement was evaluated by the project internal team rather positively, most of the stakeholders and organisations representatives are open to further meetings.
Results of WP T1 generally accepted very well and very positively evaluated as some of the stakeholder have wider and broader experience of spatial planning and brownfield redevelopment, some fewer. Overall, the discussion was fruitful and enriching for all present participants. Selected pilots were well accepted amongst the group.
In order to avoid physical meetings, the third training seminar was organized online on 9.7.2021 and it took approximately 2 hours. The 3rd training round focused on focused on methodology transfer for the co-design activities, preparing them for the development of the AGORA regeneration agendas and finally, piloting. The first section consisted of the presentation in the main topics of the seminar, while the ending part served as an update between partners on State of the art of the State of Play Workshops. The seminar concluded with an open discussion, questions, and suggestions by AGORA partners.
Facing mobility restrictions due to the current pandemic, AGORA partners have created an alternative kick-off campaign through a series of digital content to promote our project and get experts’ input. Project Partners worked on different actions/campaigns in which they cooperate closely. One of these Actions is the AGORA WALKS: a set of local kick-offs. The walks and talks are an ongoing process, videos are still under production and they will be used for the communication and the further involvement of experts.
You can see the videos at the following link: http://www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/agora/section/agora-walks
You can download the fifth newsletter of the project DESK here.
Help us to improve the accessibility of emergency services for autistic people! The ALERRT project survey is now available in 8 different languages! Share your experiences with the availability of services of first responders in:
English https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LXPKBFH
Czech https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LXPKBFH?lang=cs
Dutch https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LXPKBFH?lang=nl
French https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LXPKBFH?lang=fr
Greek https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LXPKBFH?lang=el
Italian https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LXPKBFH?lang=it
TICTAC Guide is out! It represents an innovative informal educational programme that can be used by any employee who is working in public institutions or any adult people interested in the solution of problems related to their local communities.
For more information and downloading the Guide visit our project webpage!
DESK TOOLKIT: http://desklms.e-sl.gr
Questionnaire: https://forms.gle/3FP9Gw5GUAiMW8fL8 (please choose the Czech Republic as your country in the first question)
You can download the fourth newsletter of the project DESK here.