Category: News
Podcast created within VET3D project with our hosts invites you into entrepreneurship, tells you the key aspects to think about when setting up a new business and the importance of a business plan
On the 26th of January 2024, the Consorzio di Ricerca Hypatia organized the second Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) at the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana located in Rome. The participating partners were able to provide their insights and perspectives, which contributed to the successful outcome of the meeting.
- The completed development of the online assessment tool and the VET Handbook, both available on the DIGITUP website, marked the finalization of Work Package 2. These tools have been translated using the respective national languages.
- DIGITUP training course – Work Package 3 is nearing completion, and the translation process is currently underway. Partners discussed again the required steps to pilot the course modules under the guidelines provided by Balkan Bridge. Until June 2024, the target group composed of 20 VET educators per country (140 in total) will test the DIGITUP training course.
- Work Package 4 has also witnessed the presentation of novel ideas by GEINNOVA, the lead partner. The content to be included in the serious game, however, has yet to be decided. GEINNOVA has suggested the creation of an escape game with Genially. The guidelines for the digital platform piloting will be provided by SYNTHESIS.
The multiplier event of the Behave your prints project was organised by the European Development Agency on Monday, 22nd January 2024 in Prague. The audience was composed of teachers, people working in municipalities and some representatives of private organisations interested in the topic of digital footprints.
Lukas Barda, an expert specialising in IT literacy and conducting courses for schools on this subject, first gave a lecture on digital pitfalls for teachers, providing practical examples and insights into the children’s digital world. Following this, the outcomes of the Behave Your Prints project were presented in connection with the topics discussed by the expert to emphasise practical applications for responsible technology use. This included the introduction of all accomplished outcomes, such as tools and educational materials, designed to raise awareness about our digital footprint.
The aim was to equip participants with the knowledge and insights into tools that promote a secure and responsible digital presence.
As the project approaches its conclusion, all the outputs created by the consortium of partners are now available on the website:
BYP partners gathered in Belgrade, Serbia on May 30th – 31st for the project’s kick off meeting. The Project implementation handbook has been presented to all partners by the Project Coordinator, presenting the main activities, the sub-tasks and the people involved from each partner organisation, along with the relevant time framework.
We had a great experience in Belgrade and we look forward to furthering and fostering cooperation with our partners.
The 4th and final project partners meeting was held in Diośd, Hungary, on January 21, 2022, for the Erasmus+ project called TICTAC. The main aim of the meeting was to deal with intellectual output number 2 – the e-learning platform, to plan the multiplier events, and to involve individual partners in their processing and, among other things, dissemination and project management.
The meeting was great and in a relaxed atmosphere and we are looking forward to furthering cooperation.
Because of the fact that COVID-19 is a still a treat planned AGORA partners meeting was held online on 21. 7. 2021. Administrative issues as well as individual activities within work packages were discussed during the meeting. Moreover, another AGORA story was presented by the representatives of Chisinau.
On 24. 6. 2021 an interactive State of Play Workshop was organized in Prague 9 in cooperation with EuDA. The aim of the workshop was to create a common realistic vision of the needs, problems and opportunities for recovering and reusing public space in a creative way.
Within the workshop AGORA project was introduced, its aims, goals and ambitions, results of WP T1 (e.g. Operational analysis) and other work done so far in other Work Packages were presented and discussed. Stakeholder involvement was evaluated by the project internal team rather positively, most of the stakeholders and organisations representatives are open to further meetings.
Results of WP T1 generally accepted very well and very positively evaluated as some of the stakeholder have wider and broader experience of spatial planning and brownfield redevelopment, some fewer. Overall, the discussion was fruitful and enriching for all present participants. Selected pilots were well accepted amongst the group.