Europe for citizens open calls for Town twinning and Networks of towns

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The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission has announced new deadlines for application in the Europe for citizens programme. The deadline for both open calls is on 1st of September 2015 and the programme is open for municipalities and non-governmental organisations that want to implement international projects in different topics.

The aim of this programme is to contribute to citizens’ understanding of the EU, its history and diversity and to foster European citizenship and improve conditions for civic and democratic participation at EU level.

The programme offers funding support in two areas: European Remembrance and Democratic engagement and civic participation. The open calls refer to the second priority and the following two activities will be supported:

1) Town twinning: Projects will bring together citizens from twinned towns to debate issues from the European political agenda. They will develop opportunities for societal engagement and volunteering at EU level.

  • Project duration: maximum 21 days
  • Grant amount: maximum €25 000 per project

2) Networks of towns: Towns are encouraged to cooperate with other towns on a long‑term basis to explore particular topics or themes, share resources or interests, gain influence or face common challenges.

  • Project duration: maximum 24 months per project & maximum 21 days per event
  • Grant amount: between €10 000 & €150 000.

The European Development Agency helps candidate partners with the application procedures to successfully fund their projects. Our municipality partner network candidates includes:

Please contact us if you are looking for Czech partners!
